The Point of Vanishing & Other Dreams


In my blog, I explore the themes that weave through my stories and dreams:

the need to belong, and the fear of loss; the longing for family and home and love; loneliness and the extraordinary power of the human spirit; depression - and hope; the clarifying presence of the natural world, and ways of being awake and alive in the only moment we really have: this one.

I hope you'll follow me beyond the storytelling, and join me on this very human journey....


"Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." ~Oscar Wilde

‘I dream my paintings and then I paint my dreams’. ~Vincent Van Gogh

The following little creations are taken from recent dreams, rough hewn and unpolished, mined directly from the unconscious. They are the raw material for future Wishing Tree tales, and they are very, very short .


I was born into a family of scientists.  They taught me always to be curious, to ask endless questions, and to deeply respect the natural world. Along with searching for fossils, native orchids and the bones of extinct birds, I also learned to always look for other perspectives, and other ways of being.

My favourite pastime is creating imaginary twists to the familiar world we experience every day.  I aim to write stories that the reader can feel; stories that have such a distinctive sense of place that they will linger long after they are read.  These are the kinds of stories that got under my skin when I was a child, and thrum there still, like hummingbirds: Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Le Guin's Earthsea Trilogy, Ray Bradbury's short story collections....

As for other things I love? Creating things, growing things, making music and exploring the astounding, miraculous world within us and around us.  And of course, the heart of my inspiration: dreams.

Dreams are life, real life, not simply reflections. Dreams are honest.~ TIM LEBBON, Face


My heartfelt thanks go to Wendy Kemp for designing this blogsite, including the Home Page beautiful artwork, and Eva Puig for much of the black and white blog photography. 

To my husband, for his steady belief in me, and to parents who gave a child the greatest gift of all - time and space to write.