The Point of Vanishing & Other Dreams


In my blog, I explore the themes that weave through my stories and dreams:

the need to belong, and the fear of loss; the longing for family and home and love; loneliness and the extraordinary power of the human spirit; depression - and hope; the clarifying presence of the natural world, and ways of being awake and alive in the only moment we really have: this one.

I hope you'll follow me beyond the storytelling, and join me on this very human journey....


"Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." ~Oscar Wilde

‘I dream my paintings and then I paint my dreams’. ~Vincent Van Gogh

The following little creations are taken from recent dreams, rough hewn and unpolished, mined directly from the unconscious. They are the raw material for future Wishing Tree tales, and they are very, very short .

Saturday 20 September 2014

Beyond Lip Service: beyond judgement

My own spiritual path has taken me to many places and I'm not quite sure where I am now.  This probably makes me sound really flaky. But I'm finally wising up to the fact that whatever I think and believe now is very likely to change again one day, so how much weight should I really give my thoughts and opinions?  Manmade doctrine wearies me, and seems to exist in all the great religions, muddying the beautiful clear waters of their essence.
What is far more important than all of this is not to judge another's journey. Not their convictions, beliefs, opinions or disagreement with your own. How difficult it is, sometimes, to go beyond the lip service of 'each to their own' and deeply know that every journey is legitimate, and difficult, and true. I'm not talking about whether one doctrine contradicts another, or whether 'absolute truth' exists. I'm talking about a heart big enough to embrace all of it, the contradictions and the disbelief and the mystery. We sure don't know it all; that's what it comes down to. In truth, we know almost nothing. Every person has their own battles, their own demons, their own sorrows and triumphs. Every life is complex, even when - perhaps mostly when - it looks straightforward from the outside.

My story Summerland does not reflect my own beliefs. Neither does Kokako Song. But at least, these days, I am always prepared to be proven wrong.

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